HackNC would like to thank our sponsors for making the event possible. Email us @ support (at) hacknc (period) com if you want to get on board!
HackNC is assisted by the Department of Computer Science at UNC Chapel Hill.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Math department, and the School of Media and Journalism support HackNC through the use of their facilities.
HackNC is a Major League Hacking sanctioned event. This means we, and everyone who attends, agrees to uphold the MLH Code of Conduct.
Be respectful. Harassment and abuse are never tolerated. If you are in a situation that makes you uncomfortable at an officially sanctioned MLH event, if the event itself is creating an unsafe or inappropriate environment, or if interacting with a MLH representative or event organizer makes you uncomfortable, please report it using the procedures included in the MLH Code of Conduct.