HackNC Code of Conduct

Please read the following document before attending HackNC.

Attendee requirements

In order to attend HackNC you must have a valid university ID. You may not enter the venue without a valid university ID. This is a change from previous years due to a new policy at UNC - Chapel Hill. For more information, read the policy.

Late sign up

Anyone may attend HackNC, even if you register late or not at all. You can sign up at the door. In order to accommodate everyone, we cannot guarantee food or t-shirts for late registrants. There are many affordable dining options within walking distance of the venue and plenty of room for you to work while you're here. Whether you register beforehand or when you arrive, you will have a great time at HackNC.

Venue requirements

We do not allow alcohol, weapons, or illegal substances in our venues. Please do not bring these items to HackNC. In addition, please do not permanently modify or damage the rooms that we will be using. If you see something that needs immediate attention, please notify an event volunteer or email saysomething@hacknc.com.

Trash and recycling

Please clean up after yourself and use the proper receptacles for your garbage. If a trash can is overflowing, try to find another one and alert an organizer to the problem by emailing trashNC@hacknc.com.

Code requirements

All code presented for judging must be written during the event. Contestants that violate this rule will be disqualified. The easiest way to avoid doing this is by trying something you've never done before.

Food requirements

You should already know this one. Take only as much food as you will eat, then come back for more later if you are still hungry. Large events run the risk of running out of food not because there isn't enough for everyone but because people, worried that there won't be enough for them, take more than they can eat. This leaves less for people who come later. In the end, the people who took too much end up throwing away the extra food because they couldn't eat all of it. Others end up having to go find food elsewhere. Don't do this at HackNC.

Emergency procedure

In an emergency, immediately call 911 then alert an organizer or volunteer by calling 470-242-HACK (4225).

MLH Code of Conduct

In addition to everything listed in this document, HackNC also requires all attendees to abide by the MLH Code of Conduct. For more information, read the document.